Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reading quizzes?

My brother needs to work on his reading over the summer and I was wondering if there was any way to get free tests online over the book, rather than to pay for accelerated reader (AR). My brother is 10 years old and moving to 5th grade this next year.

Reading quizzes?

You really don't need quizzes to judge his comprehension. There are tons of other projects he can do.

He can create a drawing of a scene from the story. He can create a children's book about the story. He can turn it into a movie -- cast of characters and why he would pick those actor; where it would be set; special effects, etc.

He can also write his own questions (like his own AR tests) and then provide an answer key. Believe it or not, some teachers give credit for that.

If you're set on finding quizzes, do a key word search. Look up the name of the book along with lesson plans. For example, if he's reading Holes, do a keyword search for Holes lesson plans. That will bring up a host of websites that have activities, quizzes, etc.

By the way, I strongly recommend Holes for your brother if he hasn't already read it. It's a phenomenal book with good action and crazy, deadly lizards. Young boys usually love it!

I hope this helps.

Reading quizzes?

Find a subject he's really interested in. Get him some books on that subject.

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