Saturday, November 28, 2009

5th grader and pop quizzes?

We recently noticed a problem with my 5th grade daughter, she is above average in all her classes and her reading leval showed her reading 495 words in a 1.5 minutes and only missing 1 question. The problem we are facing is pop quizzes. She brings home A's on everything to the point we really don't even check her work anymore because she is so on top of everything. But for some reason she is failing every pop quiz she has or at least is coming close to failing. She comes home crying because she is aware that the 75 on her science quiz has dropped her average from an A. I can barely bring myself to punish her for this because she is snotting all over the place already. We have decided to bring home every book every day and divide them into 2 groups and study one group one day and the next group the next day and so on. we are also quizzing her as well. What else can we do to help her with her pop quizzes?

5th grader and pop quizzes?

As high school teacher, I have seen some of my brightest students bomb pop quizzes. Test anxiety. One student's palms would sweat so hard she could hardly hold her pencil. I started bringing her into before class started to administer the test to her alone in the classroom. And that seemed to help. When in a testing environment, many students just find it even more difficult to focus and concentrate. They are also aware of the silence and of how the others are performing. I encourage you to speak with the teacher and ask how your child reacts during the test. Is she chewing her pencil? Playing with her hair? Swinging her feet? All are signs of acute nervousness.

See if there is a pattern to these tests. If you can determine the pattern, perhaps you can teach her test strategies. Actually, that is one thing I always teach my students... different test strategies. If they know how to attack the test, they will do well in other classes too. And I do want each one to succeed in all areas.

Good luck.

5th grader and pop quizzes?

She could just freeze up on the pop quizzes...kind of like stage fright....try giving her small pop quizzes at home to see how she does on those. If she still doesn't do well or doesn't get better, I suggest taking her to a tutor who may be able to help her overcome that "stage fright" a little more

5th grader and pop quizzes?

Don't rush on the questions; read them and make sure that she understands it before she answer them. Also, when she's done, make her check her work. Listen to the teacher and ask questions if she doesn't get it.

5th grader and pop quizzes?

Is this across different subjects? And I take it that when you say she only has trouble with "pop" quizzes, that she's fine for tests that she expected and studied for? First, I would look for a pattern in what the problem seems to be on the questions she misses. Is she not writing down answers at all, or not finishing questions? Is she actually putting down wrong answers? There are many different possibilities. One (which I'm by no means saying is the case with you, no offense ... obviously I don't know your daughter -- but it's one thing to consider) is that her grades are higher on things she has time to prepare for because she's cheating. Another is that she has some form of test anxiety, for which I would try a combination of talking to her teachers and even a school counsellor (this could have a big impact on her in the long run if it's really the case, so you really want to help her address it), and doing your best to lower the pressure on her about grades (stress learning, instead). Another is that school is so easy for her that she's not been paying a huge amount of attention to her homework, which could be remedied by having her take notes or something similar while she reads. Another is that there's a particular problem either with the subject matter she's missing (maybe she just didn't get osmosis or whatever), the teacher for that class having unreasonable expectations (is everybody getting bad grades on these quizzes?), or the form in which the questions are being asked (does she have problems with essay questions or multiple choice questions, for example?)

In any event, I certainly wouldn't dream of punishing her for getting a bad grade. You say that she's working really hard, and that's what matters. Have a talk with her about how much you admire her work ethic when it comes to school. Let her know that a bad grade is not a reflection on her value as a person! Express confidence that if she keeps working hard, she can learn this material, and let her know that what she learns and how hard she works are far more important than what grades she gets.

5th grader and pop quizzes?

We need more Parents like you who punish their Kids for not getting straight A's You sound like a real control freak.

5th grader and pop quizzes?

I really doubt that its the "pop quizzes" that are at fault.

You start by saying that she has good reading comprehension. She reads 495 words in 1.5 minutes and only misses on question......

How does she get the questions.... is it not in the form of a test?

If she does well on tests generally and is not doing well on the pop quizzes then most likely there is a problem in the way she is learning.

People learn in different ways. If I write something down, it is committed to memory. If my daughter reads something, it is committed to memory. My son does best when he can use his hands to solve the problem.... when he does its there.

If your daughter has great reading comprehension, then its a good bet that is how she learns. So when the teacher presents the subject verbally, and gives them time to study the material, your daughter then can read the material, commit it to memory, and be prepared to take the test. However when the teacher presents the material, and then gives a "pop quiz", your daughter has not had the time to learn it according to her way of learning, and therefore does not know it.

Last year we did 5th grade and had this huge fight with the teachers over "Learning vs. Memorizing". (in our case we had a teacher who preffered the kids memorize the answers since it made correcting the papers much easier). In your case each day's work must be learned by your daughter in the way that she would normally learn the work. I am guessing that she is learning by reading, but it may be a different form. You will need to work with her daily until you find the method so that each day's material is learned. When this happens, pop quizzes become passe' and the straight A's will be back soon enough.

5th grader and pop quizzes?

well pop quizzes are almost always on what they're learning in class. Just have her study like she knows there's a quiz and when she gets the pop quiz she might be more prepared?

i don't know...maybe that will work...and give her pop quizzes on what shes learning too

good luck!

5th grader and pop quizzes?

Talk to the teacher about this, not us. Why make her study so hard for a little anxiety. COOL IT

5th grader and pop quizzes?

I used to have this problem in school. It took a long time but mostly building that confidence in me that allowed me to get past the nervousness.

5th grader and pop quizzes?

She needs to learn how to not stress herself so much. She's only in fifth grade. It's excellent for her to work hard, just don't let her go overboard, please. And DON'T be upset at her if she doesn't get A's on everything. No one's perfect. Not even your extremely gifted daugher.

Just tell her to read over her notes or work everyday, or if not then everytime she gets a chance. That's what I do. It works.

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